As you know, we learn the routine in 8 sections, and we review a section at a time. Any Zombie can join any time, and will eventually learn all 8 parts, each of which is about 32 beats of music. Individual video lessons for all eight can be found by clicking on the tab above that says Video Lessons.
The Sections are:
1. Zombie March
2. March Booty Swim
3. Shuffle Ha Slide
4. Hip ‘n Roar
5. Wuz Up
6. Oh Snap
7. Head ‘n Shoulders
8. Stomp
The Dance Script can be accessed on the tab above, or you can click on in the Zombie Tool Kit on the right hand side of the page. Feel free to print and use or distribute anything you find there; the script, the pledge sheet, and flyers in Spanish and English.
You can also find audio tracks for practicing on the webpage, under Cyber CafĂ©. Some people have had difficulty with this download, so here’s a LINK to the full dance done slowly. You can listen to the track and practice along with it. Please go through the lessons first if you haven’t been able to make a practice yet. And for the love of Mike the Undead, say the words of the script ! Remember,
"It’s not your feet that trip you up, it’s your brain! Keep your brain working and your body will keep moving. It may seem strange or even difficult to talk while dancing, especially for those of you who have never done dance before, but we promise you:
If you can say it, you can do it!"
On Saturday, I talked about online donation site GoFundme. If you are looking for a way to make it easy for friends up North to support you, check it out. It will walk you through the steps to making your own personal donation website. The Cruz Roja Chapala has looked into it and given us the go ahead.
There are two ways to do this. Zombie Margy has sent out the link to the page that I set up for the Ajijic Zombies (and, by the way, got a very generous donation instantly!)You are welcome to use to use it, too. If your sponsor includes your name in the comments when they donate, (i.e.” for Zombie Cyndi “, ) it will show up immediately, right on the web page. The link at the top right of this page where it says "Click here to support The Ajijic Zombies" leads to the donation page that I am managing.
You can also set up your own page. I took about 5 minutes before rehearsal on Saturday to go through it with Zombies Val and Allyson. If you’d like to know more about it or you want help setting up your page, shoot me an email, it's very user friendly.
If you have questions of comments, don't be shy, let me know. If you've thought of it, there's a good chance someone else has as well, and will be grateful to get the answer. Until Saturday