Sunday, October 28, 2012

2012 Zombie Gallery

Click here to see A Thank You from the Cruz Roja

The Official Video for 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pre Game Broadcast!

Good morning, Zombies! Four hours to Thrill Time. Click HERE
for dedicated radio, including updates from around the world and practice songs.

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Thrill Day!

Tomorrow's going to be a big day! Here are a few last minute details


There is a white poster that I would like all participants to sign, please. If you didn't do it today, make sure to sign it before we dance tomorrow.
 Official Zombie videographer Heather will be compiling a  video which will be available to all Zombies with proceeds going to the Red Cross. There will also be a sign up sheet for that. I anticipate a cost of around $50 pesos, mas o menos depending on the cost of duplication. Please note, the dance will be on youtube and available for free to all of you, so the video is an optional keepsake

                                             MAKE UP

The club will be open for us starting at 12:00. Please be there no later than 1:30

Make up is being done on the big downstairs floor, where we practiced today.
Remember, if you have an appointment, please come 10 minutes early. You can verify your appointment here

The make up appointments are sold out, however, there may be artists becoming available on a stand by basis during the process. The make up is also a fundraiser, so tip your artist what you can!

All Zombies, whether they have appointments or not, are welcome to come and make up at the Club, to dress, run through the number, and just generally hang out. Zombies can come in costume, and it's fine to be seen in public in your zombie gear.

 This link is for homemade body make up

this one has recipes for fake blood:

                       VIP SEATING

The following are the reservation holders for VIP seating on the balcony. There will be someone there with this list, so your guest need
only say your name:
Angelique 4
Dee          1 
Rowena   1
Debbie M 1
Ginger      3
Pam         3
Margie      1
Michelle    2
Gayle        1
Anastasia 2
Laurie       1

The bar will be open at 1:00.


Here's a video to watch if you need a little extra confidence about the Electric Slide.
No need to stress about it,'s supposed to be fun!

Relax,  have fun, and be confident in the knowledge that all of you have already accomplished something wonderful for our Red Cross. You looked terrific today, and I know you'll each be delighted when you see the finished product. No matter what happens, we'll be spreading the joy, so have a great time!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Electric Slide

Here is an Electric Slide tutorial that, frankly, is scarier than all the Zombies put together, but those of you who are just learning it may find it helpful.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Zombie is In

Remember, I will be holding "office hours" from 5-7 at Hole in One Monday and Tuesday, with regular rehearsal scheduled on Wednesday. 2 for 1 bottles of beer!
  If you're a new Zombie who needs help, or a Zombie Alum who wants to add some style, come out and visit with me.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A note from Make Up Zombie Dee

I am copying and pasting so you can see how she very properly addresses me by my royal Zombie name!

Queen Zombie Elliott,

Attached is the makeup schedule. Please include in your blog for each zombie to please arrive at least ten minutes before their scheduled appointment to get their base makeup put on before seeing the makeup artists. We will squeeze the kids in wherever possible.

Zombie Dee

Thanks, Dee! Here's a link to the make-up appointments schedule.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rehearsal Schedule

Zombies, don't forget that the weekend rehearsal has been CHANGED to SUNDAY. 12:00 to 2:00 at the Cultural Center. 

 On Monday and Tuesday, I will be at Hole in One from 5:00  til whenever  for anyone who would like extra practice or to learn the routine. The cutoff for joining as a new Zombie will be the Wednesday rehearsal.

Wednesday rehearsal is as usual, 5:00 to 7:00

We will have an additional rehearsal on Friday, from 3:00 to 5:00 in the Club Exotica,which is part of the Jardin restaurant on the Plaza.  We will be blocking our positions on the plaza, so your attendance is extremely important. 

Remember to get sponsors to pledge money to you for dressing up like a Zombie and dancing on the plaza!

Oh, and you guys are really and truly awesome. The feedback that I get from people who watched yesterday is, well....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Charlie K is BACK!

And ready to take your money! If you have been collecting pledges and would like to hand them over, Charlie will be at the next three rehearsals, starting this Wednesday at the Hole In One, at 5:00. See you there!

The Balcony is Sold Out!

Dee Grant got the last seat. That is fantastic work, Zombies, Great Job!

Two Weeks!

Isn't that exciting? I think that the returning Zombies from last year will assure you new Zombies that the horde is way ahead of the timeline established in 2011. I hope you all are feeling confident and relaxed and ready to have fun Zombie style on Thrill Day, October 27th.

Welcome new Zombies Alejandra and her two junior Zombies Max and Davina. I know Alex from attending the Zumba class she teaches in her awesome studio on Juarez street. Also welcome to Zombies Lillian and Warqi who joined last Saturday. And while we're at it, shout out to Zombie Donna, one of the original dancers from 2010.

Dee Grant of Focus on Mexico came to practice with a sign up sheet for make-up appointments which is almost completely filled up. We want to make sure that all the kids get a chance to have their face painted for free. There will be no charge for the make-up, but we will certainly accept donations for the Red Cross. If you want make-up, make sure to sign up on Wednesday at Hole in One. If we run out of appointements we'll.....punt!

Along those lines, even if you want to get dressed at home, you may want to do your make-up at the cultural center. We're going to have on hand disposable sponges and qtips, but the more gruesome effects we can share, the better!

Zombie Angelique Estrada of Villa Del Angel has pretty much single handedly sold out the rest of the VIP balcony with 4 seats. If you have a VIP (500 pesos or more) you better hurry....there's only two left. So far we have Zombies Ginger: 3 seats, Pam: 3 seats, Anastasia: 2 seats, Gayle: 1 seat, Margy: 1 seat, Laurie: 1 seat, Deb: 1 seat, Rowena:1 seat, Angelique's 4, and I have 2. Well done, everyone!

Remember, next Saturday's practice has been rescheduled  to Sunday, 12:00 to 2:00. The Government uses the Cultural Center every month on the 20th, so we have to step aside with our usual Zombie grace. Practice is on at Hole in One at 5 on Wednesday though, so see you there!

Questions? Put them in a comment here on the web page.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Smell of Greasepaint

Zombie Dee will be bringing a sign in sheet for Make Up appointments to our Saturday rehearsal. We have 35 slots available, starting at noon on the day of the dance. There will not be a price on getting made up as previously suggested, but donations for the Red Cross will certainly be accepted. Remember, practice is at noon at the Ajijic Cultural Center. See you there!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Music Music Music

Welcome new Zombies Lynn, Laurie, Sofia and Adrian , Gail, Rowena, and PattiO!

Zombie Pumpkin!

GREAT practice yesterday, Zombies! I hope that you're all feeling confident about the dance, and I  really want to congratulate the new Zombies for jumping in and learning the routine in record time. There will be an ad in the Guadalajara Reporter this week, along with a little write up in Jeannee Chausee's section, so that should bring out even more new Zombies. I appreciate the  welcoming spirit which all of you who have been coming since the first workshop show as you make room for the newly undead...that's what this thing is all about. Well done, Zombies!
   We had a meeting of the make-up artists. I got to show off the haul of gruesome war paint that Dixie brought me from the States, and Dee Grant found herself being volunteered to co-ordinate this group of very professional women. We'll start taking reservations at this Saturday's workshop.
    I have received instructions from Planet Thriller on how to sign up our event to be part of the live video stream that will be occurring all over the world. I have someone under 35 in mind that I believe I can count on to help me decipher the email. I want our event to participate in as much of the media as I can figure out.
    A lot of you have asked about practice music. Here are links to mp3s of the regular speed that we'll use for the event, a slowed down version with the script, and a "training wheels" version which is slower than the original but faster than the scripted version. If you need to log in to access the account, the instructions are provided below.

show song
Practice speed with script
Practice speed without script

email associated with the account is
the password is zombie12
the name is elliott joachim

Also, in the Zombie Cyber Cafe, I have added a link to the Thrill the World Audio page. There are about a million options there.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Zombie Gazette Week of October 8

Here's a peek into another practice being held in Santa Cruz, NM. That little kid the Michael Jackson outfit is cute, isn't he? Skip down for news of the week.

My boss Dixie has been up North, and came back with a whole mess of Zombie make-up for our artists to use. Give some thought as to whether you want to schedule an appointment or do your own. I'll certainly share what I've got, but the make-up artists get first dibs.
   The practices are going great. New Zombies continue to pick it up in their first workshop, and returning undead are gaining polish and confidence. Keep coming! The next practice is Wednesday, October 10 at Hole in One, at 5:00. Speaking of make-up, I'm meeting with the artists beforehand. If anyone wants to come early and be a guinea pig, we'll be there at 4:30.
We've sold NINE of the VIP seats on the balcony of the Sports Bar! Congratulations Zombies Ginger, Anastasia, Pam, Gayle, (blushing) There are ELEVEN seats remaining.
 We're selling them for $500 pesos now, but remember, it's first come first served, so if you have one, let me know immediately at All the sponsors are invited to come to the Sports Bar after the dance.
  See you at the Hole in One!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Zombie of the Week!

Look at Maryanne from last year! I bet you won't recognize her at practice tomorrow....

the ballcap is a nice touch, and one can't help but admire the restrained use of blood.


 I need some Zombie help. 
There are 20 seats available on the balcony overlooking the plaza. I announced that any pledge of $1000 pesos or more would buy a "VIP" seat. This is one of those things where you can tell I'm thinking because my mouth is moving. After brainstorming with Zombie Fether a little bit, I decided that it would be better to sell the seats for 500 pesos, so that we can really take advantage of the balcony. But some of you already have $500 peso pledges, and some of you may even have sold the seat at $1000 pesos. The last thing I want is anything that could possibly create disharmony among our faithful supporters, and honestly, I hadn't thought this out in very much detail. Now I need to get in front of it. Can you PLEASE respond to me right away if you have pledges of 500 pesos or more in hand, or if you have sold a seat for 1000 pesos (in hand!). Once I have a "body" count, I'll be able to organize this VIP idea so it doesn't turn around and bite us on the march-booty-swim. Thanks guys, and see you at practice!

An example of our VIP seating. 

 P.S. If you have suggestions on this VIP thing, or would like to be in charge of it, let me know. Please. I beg you. Really.