The 2015 Ajijic Zombies are PROUD to Present
featuring the Fabulous Zombies of 2015
Our final count of dancing Zombies is 61. We definitely had my dream number of 100 registered over the month, but there was a little issue involving a hurricane that kept some Zombies home. that's okay, Zoms, there's always next year!
The main thing is, we beat all previous records for money raised for our Red Cross, and I couldn't be prouder, or more grateful. I needed a lot of help, and not only did I get it, I don't know why I would try to do it without all that wonderful support.
They're still counting, but I heard $180,000 mxn this morning!
It's too soon to make the call, but at 8:00 am it looks like we may be dancing in the streets tonight. We are prepared in case we have to be inside , but I hope we're not, because it would cancel the parade. At the moment, it looks positive. Final call at 2:00 okay?
For parade vehicles, drive down Colon and back into Hidalgo, which will be closed on the Marcos Castellanos side with a city truck.
THERE'S A HURRICANE OUT THERE!! I know, I know, and we have plans in place in case it's raining. Remember, we must dance at 5:00! We've also made sure that those of you who have purchased dinner dance tickets are by God going to dine and dance, and that your VIP sponsors will not be be cheated. We hope it will be sunny, though, because the one thing that would have to be cancelled or postponed is our parade to six corners.
By the way VIP does not include the dinner, they are separate. There was just a little confusion on that.
***********************!NO PRACTICE ON FRIDAY!******************************
Rest your brains( mmmm, Zombies love brains!) you are all well prepared. See you at Make-up on Saturday.
and I'm looking forward to a fantastic Thrill Day. You've all been dancing with real dedication. And I think this years horde is the FIRST ONE who has ever done any homework! Yes, I can tell you have! However you're doing it, you're doing it, and that's what counts. I just think it's going to be a Thriller to be proud of.
Club Exotica ( downstairs) will turn into club Zombie on Saturday. It will be open a all day after 1:00, and you can hang out, practice, go out and sell tee shirts and prom tickets, however you want to spend your time.
You MUST be in the club, in dress and makeup 4:00. Here are the Thrill the World rules, which make us eligible to be part of the dance record, and also the TTW family when they start doing pictures for their web site and things like that. Here's the stuff we have to do:
The Thrill Day Ten
1. You MUST sign in. If you are not on the sign in sheet, you are not in the dance.
2. You MUST wear a name tag in the usual place, just this once.
3. We will do a final run through at 4:30
4. Right after that, we will do the group photo. This is required. There are some other video requirements, but all we have to do is get in a huddle and let them take our picture, okay?
5. Our soundtrack starts with a Zombie warning. The Zombie warning plays again, about 15 minutes later, just before the music starts. Don't get out there too early...minutes seem like centuries when you're waiting out there to hear that creaking door. I'm not kidding.
6. Hold your final pose until Vincent Price quits laughing, then turn around and follow Val's lead into the Electric Slide. Once it gets going, I hope some of the crowd will join us. I plan to go down and dance with them to help with that, and you can long as you match what's happening on the stage!
7. Jump into your's parade time! If you stop at a small Dulceria you can buy huge bags of candy for pesos....this is not the time to throw our your full size snickers bars!
8. At Six Corners we'll dance again, for fun, love and to give a little thanks for the awesome place we live, Then it's back to the cars, and back to the Plaza.
9. Manix will have transformed the plaza while we're away, and set up two cash bars along with the dinner buffet.
10. We'll Party like it's 2015!!!
The tee shirts turned out to be a real success, and they're selling well. That's a profit maker for the Cruz Rojas, so remind you're friends that they can order them from you and pick them up Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.
The Zombie Prom is selling well, too, and we're going to have a ton of well deserved fun on Saturday night after dancing our Zombie patooties off. The more of your friends you have there to celebrate with you, the more fun you'll have, so let them order tickets too!
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